Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas at the Headlee House

We began getting our house decorated when Grandma and Grandpa were here for Thanksgiving.  As we continued decorating after they left, we realized that it is kind of sad that not everyone gets to see our house decorated for Christmas.  We are so glad Gram and Gramps will be here with us to celebrate but wanted to use this blog to share with you our house.

The Tree. 

Our stockings all hung by the chimney with care. 
We bought two new stockings and decorated them for Gram and Gramps.

Art wall.

Our snowman bathroom.

Santa pics.

Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your house and your decorations. I am really counting down now - just 5 more days and we will be there in person to see them!!
    Love you guys!!!!
    Gram and Gramps
