Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas was wonderful.  Gram and Gramps got to Ohio on Christmas Eve around 7pm.  Tom arrived close to the same time from Baltimore.  We met back at our house where the festivities began. 

Setting out cookies and chocolate milk for Santa.

Having Gram and Gramps here for Christmas was so much fun.  We loved that they got to see the kids faces when they came downstairs. 

Santa did good!

We took our time opening presents, had a big breakfast, and just enjoyed being together.  Everyone was so great to Kiara, Mckenna, and Ava.  The most amazing part was that it was very obvious by the gifts given to the girls that everyone knows them SO well.  As more time passes that we are away from Seattle, we worry about everyone growing apart from our kids.  Seeing the thoughtfulness that went into every gift, every stocking present was pretty amazing!  So thank you all for your generosity, and thoughtfulness - it doesn't go unnoticed.

The most used gift of the day was a snow cone maker that Mckenna gave Kiara.

Christmas snuggles for Ava.

1 comment:

  1. what a wonderful Christmas. Yes - the best part was seeing the girls faces Christmas morning. Santa sure did good. And it was fun to watch mom and dad too - they were pretty excited!! Ava was the only one who didn't want to tear into packages - just wait til next year! I loved having all day to open and play!
    Thank you for having us!!!
    Love you guys - Gram
