Monday, December 3, 2012

Harry Potter

Kiara has been exposed to the Harry Potter books in her class.  A couple of the boys in her class are reading the series and a parent read the first chapter of the first book to the class on mystery reader day.   Tom and I would have preferred waiting a little bit before Kiara began reading the series but the reality is, if we didn't encourage her at home, she probably would have started them at school (her classroom has a pretty extensive library).  So, Kiara began reading the first book on November 21st and on December 2nd finished the 2nd book. In 11 days, Kiara read over 650 pages.  All I can say is WOW......  Come to find out one of her best girl friends from Whitney and her family have been listening to the books on tape so they were both excited to talk Harry Potter.  She is so proud and has already begun the 3rd book.  I asked if she wanted to take a break and read a different book before continuing the series but that idea was quickly shot down :). 

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