Monday, July 30, 2012

Safety Town

The city of Strongsville puts on a program called Safety Town for all incoming Kindergartners.
Two hours a day for a week the kids learn about bus safety, learn their phone # & address, go to the police station, go to the fire station, learn about traffic signs, and get to ride in little cars around the town pictured above.  Before we came to Seattle, Mckenna got to participate in Safety Town.  Mckenna had a blast - who wouldn't :)!

On the last day of Safety Town the kids sing a few songs, get a certificate, and shake hands with all the police officers and firefighters they have met throughout the week.

Mckenna looks so little!!!

One of the neat things that I like about living in Strongsville, Ohio!!!

1 comment:

  1. You know Grandparents all all about safety, so this Grandpa really thinks this is a sweet program.

    Congrats MC on completing the program!

    Go Browns.

