Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kiara's 7th birthday party

Tonight Kiara had her 7th birthday party at a place called Amazone. 
Kiara invited 3 boys from her class, 3 girls from her class, and 3 kids from the neighborhood.  For the first hour the kids played in a jungle gym type area.  There were slides, a rope bridge, tunnels, and more. 

The birthday girl having SO MUCH FUN!!!
Some of the birthday crew
Mckenna having a fabulous time as well :)

Pizza, cake, and presents followed. 

Then, the kids moved to an arcade area where they played games and won tickets to trade in for prizes. 

Kiara with her friend Kylie.  Kylie is on her soccer team as well.
Kiara wanted to wear her birthday crown from last year that Bill and Marianne gave to Kiara and Emily at their joint b-day party.
Kayla, Kiara, Kaitlin, and Gracie.
Alex, Kaitlin, Kiara, and Mckenna

What a fun night!  Kiara enjoyed every part of her birthday party.  She made the party fun for everyone that was there.  Mckenna had such a fun time as well and was right there in the mix with all the big kids.  Ava has yet another fever but did pretty well considering.  Kiara is such a bright, kind, and fun 7 year old!   Happy Birthday Kiara Clare Headlee - we love you!


  1. Happy Happy 7th Birthday, sweet Kiara.
    We love you!!!!!
    Gramps and Gram
