Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fall Soccer

Mckenna during a water break at soccer practice.
Kiara listening in on MC's practice.

Ava playing during practice.  "Where is Ava?"
"There she is!"

The girls have each had 2 games and I do not have any pictures from those games.  To be honest, I am glad that I have any pictures at all.  It kind of feels like a traveling circus right now :)!  Tom got to be at both games today and it was so great for everybody.  During Kiara's game, she played so hard.  She was aggressive, involved, and even made a diving stop as goalie!  Mckenna played great.  No goals this week but had one last week!  And the most important thing is that she loves it (they both do).  As for Ava, she gets shuffled around whether it is nap time or not but in the past few weeks has become OBSESSED with balls.  I think she says "ball" about 100 times a day.  She wants them all, gets mad if someone else has one (which makes soccer interesting), and her favorite is to hold 2 little balls, 1 in each hand.  During all of these things she says ball over and over and over again!  As for Tom and I, we love it!  I like it more when he can be there but it is so fun for both of us to see our kids making friends and enjoying playing sports. 


  1. soccer season is fun - so are your girls! Love you all!!!
    How cute is Ava!!?!!

  2. Love these pics! Hope we can catch some soccer next month!
    Lv, CT
