Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kiara's 7th birthday party

Tonight Kiara had her 7th birthday party at a place called Amazone. 
Kiara invited 3 boys from her class, 3 girls from her class, and 3 kids from the neighborhood.  For the first hour the kids played in a jungle gym type area.  There were slides, a rope bridge, tunnels, and more. 

The birthday girl having SO MUCH FUN!!!
Some of the birthday crew
Mckenna having a fabulous time as well :)

Pizza, cake, and presents followed. 

Then, the kids moved to an arcade area where they played games and won tickets to trade in for prizes. 

Kiara with her friend Kylie.  Kylie is on her soccer team as well.
Kiara wanted to wear her birthday crown from last year that Bill and Marianne gave to Kiara and Emily at their joint b-day party.
Kayla, Kiara, Kaitlin, and Gracie.
Alex, Kaitlin, Kiara, and Mckenna

What a fun night!  Kiara enjoyed every part of her birthday party.  She made the party fun for everyone that was there.  Mckenna had such a fun time as well and was right there in the mix with all the big kids.  Ava has yet another fever but did pretty well considering.  Kiara is such a bright, kind, and fun 7 year old!   Happy Birthday Kiara Clare Headlee - we love you!


Mckenna has asked to be in a dance class for quite a while now.  Today was Mckenna's first day of Ballet. 

Mckenna is to the right of the girl with her back to the class.

Mckenna is in the back row, next to the girl sitting down.  (that poor girl had a tough time in class)
Mckenna finally saw me through the window.  Check out her face and that will answer your questions about if she liked it or not!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fall Soccer

Mckenna during a water break at soccer practice.
Kiara listening in on MC's practice.

Ava playing during practice.  "Where is Ava?"
"There she is!"

The girls have each had 2 games and I do not have any pictures from those games.  To be honest, I am glad that I have any pictures at all.  It kind of feels like a traveling circus right now :)!  Tom got to be at both games today and it was so great for everybody.  During Kiara's game, she played so hard.  She was aggressive, involved, and even made a diving stop as goalie!  Mckenna played great.  No goals this week but had one last week!  And the most important thing is that she loves it (they both do).  As for Ava, she gets shuffled around whether it is nap time or not but in the past few weeks has become OBSESSED with balls.  I think she says "ball" about 100 times a day.  She wants them all, gets mad if someone else has one (which makes soccer interesting), and her favorite is to hold 2 little balls, 1 in each hand.  During all of these things she says ball over and over and over again!  As for Tom and I, we love it!  I like it more when he can be there but it is so fun for both of us to see our kids making friends and enjoying playing sports. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blog Worthy Pics

There are a lot of pictures from the past 6 weeks that are great but I have missed posting them here.  So I am putting them all together in one long post.

Sweet Mckenna Kay

Kiara after her last t-ball game with her bobble head trophy!

Gram arrived to help with the fam during Ava's surgery.  She flew in on her birthday and we had FUN celebrating with her!
Snuggles with Gram!!!

Lunch at Five Guys!
Ava had 1 fever free day in her 9 day fever mess and I am glad that Gram got to see
our happy girl for that day. 
For Gram's birthday, Kiara had a GREAT idea to take Gram to get a pedicure.  Before Ava's surgery, Mckenna was in a class at the Community Center so I set up Ava with a babysitter.  Kiara, Gram, and I set out and got a pedicure.  The person doing Kiara's toes asked if she wanted her fingers painted as well and I am a sucker and couldn't resist Kiara's booming smile.  She had such a great time and Gram and I did as well :)!!
Kiara got an art book that shows her how to draw cars from the Cars movie.  She has spent hours drawing Guido, Luigi, Lightning, and more.  This has sparked Kiara and I having many conversations about Ben, his love for cars, and for the movie Cars.  There was a day that Kiara and I went over to Jeff and Carin's to drop off a movie for Ben and the two of them began playing cars.  They built a track and sent hundreds of cars down the track.  In one of our conversations, Kiara and I were talking about that day and  Kiara added that they had lost a few under the piano, and they took turns racing down the hall after the cars. 
I wonder what goes through her head as she sits and draws cars for sometimes an hour at a time.  If I had to guess, she thinks about her cousin and all the great times she had with one of her best friends. 
Ava enjoying being outside and not in a stroller.
Kiara got home from school, Mckenna just had a bath, and Ava was happy.  Photo op!
We went back to training camp to see Daddy on the last open practice.  Look at these three girls with their daddy!!

Mckenna is doing great!  I haven't posted a lot about her in the past few weeks but that is because I have a few videos that I have been trying to share.  For some reason, I am not able to put any more video on the blog and it is very frustrating.  Mckenna has written and performed two more original songs; Party Silly Day,
and I am Rich (which includes the lyrics "I'm not an artist, I'm not a banker, I am just Rich.  Rich, Rich, Rich!).  We also have a video of her hula hooping that Grandpa asked for a while ago.  I guess I will need to get on YouTube........ we will see.