Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Grade

Does she look excited?  Does she look ready?  1st grade here she comes.....

Here is a picture of Mckenna in her new boots and dress as well.  There was no way that Kiara would be the only one wearing new clothes today! 

This is actually how Kiara went to school.  When I asked if she wanted to wear her hair down to school she said "No, I want it up for recess and stuff."  That's our girl :)!

She had a BLAST!!!  Here is the info that I was able to pull from Kiara:  She had art class, loved recess, her teacher was nice, hot dog lunch is tomorrow, there was not enough time to finish her lunch, she is able to buy dessert at school, she is able to buy chocolate milk at school, she only wants to buy lunch when it is chicken nuggets, she would like to buy dessert and/or chocolate milk sometimes, and she will ask for no fries when she buys lunch.  I guess the highlight for her was lunch!  She came home and went with Mckenna to a neighbors house for an ice cream party, then home for dinner, and off to soccer practice.  Because of all the excitement today, it took Kiara a while to fall asleep tonight.  I guarantee by Friday she is going to be so exhausted but it is sure awesome to see how excited and happy our little girl is.  Tom was able to be home tonight and share in all the excitement of the day!


  1. That is so cool, what a great time. Thanks Deborah for another super post!


  2. Hey girls, love the new clothes. Have a great school year!

  3. Kiara,
    You look so ready for 1st grade, I love your outfit.

    Aunt Allison

  4. Oh my goodness - Kiara looks SO grown up - I love her hair down like that!!! What an exciting week.
    Thanks for sharing!!
    Love you guys

  5. You girls look awesome!! I can't believe school has started already!
    Lv, Carin
