Sunday, August 21, 2011

Art Class

Kiara does art constantly!  She absolutely loves it.  If she had to pick 1 favortite activity, that would be it.  She is so creative.  This past week at the rec center there was an Fashion Art Class that Kiara participated in.  She went the first day a little timid and not quite sure what to expect.  By the end of the week she was dressing herself, wearing bracelets & necklaces, and was not shy at all about class.  Here is a look at Kiara's work from the week.

Day 1 - faces
Here is Kiara with all of the faces she drew on the first day.
The next few days they worked on full bodies, accessories, and texture.
Day 4.
Day 5.  I still can't believe my 6 year old drew this!

A few weeks ago I asked Kiara what activities she would like to participate in besides soccer.  She said she would like to take an art class and piano lessons.  After this week of art, she is even more excited about taking an art class.  The same group that put on this fashion art class, offers an art class at Whitney El once a week after school.  We will for sure sign up this little artist for art class in the fall!

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