Back to the IX center...... We walked in and the first ride was the Merry go Round. Thank goodness for Tom, because I did not feel like going round and round 100 times.
The girls continued to go on rides and they were LOVING it! During one of the rides Kiara and Mckenna were on, I looked over and noticed this booth.
There was an obnoxious man screaming into a microphone that he could guess any persons age within 2 years and I had a GREAT idea. "Tom, you need to go and win the girls a prize because there is NO way he can guess you age"!! Tom gets carded everywhere. There are times (way too many) where Tom gets carded and I don't. So I talked him into going by himself. There is no way with three little kids and with me as his wife (don't worry I am OK with it) that he would get away with being as young as he looks. So he agreed! LOVE HIM!! The girls and I stood around the corner and he walked up to the booth, paid his money and.........
Tom won (he is 34 by the way)! He called Kiara and Mckenna over and they got to pick out a prize.
We continued to go on rides, play games and had a great time. We didn't take any pictures of rides this year but I took a few last year that I think are important to share :).
Last year, on our way out the door, we saw a basketball booth. To win a prize you need to make a basket that is definitely longer than a free throw. $3 for 1 shot or $5 for 3 shots. Tom said "I only need 1 shot." I paid $5 to give him 3. He made his first shot (figures). This is what we took home.
Daddy is the best!!! He is such a great dad and a great husband! I will say again that we are all so excited to have him come with us to Seattle the next time we go! :)!!!!
I love this post.
Now that was a FUN day, augmented with prizes won for Tom's being older than the "sooth seer" could guess and Tom's "nothing but net" performance for just a measly $5 spot. Ava, MC, and Kiara are three lucky, and happy, little cougs! Love, Gramps