Monday, November 12, 2012

Bye Weekend

For the past 2 years, Tom has not gotten a real bye weekend because his job is to scout ahead, so it never worked out for him to have any time off.  This year was different!  He had a whole weekend off, with no work responsibilities and it was fantastic.  Since he has not had a day off in close to 2 months, it was important for us to spend time together, let him sleep in, play, and get a few projects done around the house.

Friday when Kenna got home from school, I ran a couple of errands while Mckenna, Ava, and Daddy set up all of our stuffed animals in our room.  Things that are important to know about our stuffed animals:  #1) We have a TON of stuffed animals #2) Mckenna knows where the majority of the animals came from! Both Mckenna and Ava are in this picture - hiding with the animals!
Love this picture - no idea why she looks so sad :)
For Tom's birthday the girls both picked out a Lego set for "daddy" and they had a lot of fun putting them together this weekend. 
Mckenna and Ava setting up the ocean (blue) and sand (gray) for lego sets as well as disney sets.  Turned out to be an hour of fun for these two!
We finally watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Tom's birthday and the girls have had a candy store ever since.  Here is Kiara and Daddy after he snuck into the candy store to get some candy. 
Game night!!  This was an intense game of Monopoly Jr.  After this game we played Disney Rummikub so that Ava could play with us.  (just didn't want anyone to feel bad for the sad looking girl on the couch :))!
Other happenings over the weekend...........  Tom and I got the sitters and we went to see Argo (great movie) and have drinks and apps after, Kiara had an indoor soccer game (she played great), we cleaned out the garage so that Tom could get his car in (it is getting cold!)  We made fun apps for a relaxing football Sunday where it didn't matter who won or lost :), we replaced pictures around our house, added cousin pics to the cousin room, and just enjoyed being together!
This pic was on Tom's birthday but figured it was a great ending pic to our awesome bye weekend!
We think Daddy is the best Daddy and Husband in the world!!!



  1. These are such great pics - these girls look so much older!!! LOVE the stuffed animals! Ryan sets ours up on our bed when he comes. Gramps just got a couple more..our biggest kid. So good of Tom and the girls - can I have a copy of that? Love you and miss you -so glad the bye weekend was fun! XXOO Gram and Gramps

  2. LOL! OMG, I couldn't even see Ava in that photo. She was like ET. HAHAHAHA!
    So glad you guys all had a bye weekend.
    Lv, Carin
