Friday, February 10, 2012


Mckenna was the VIP last week in her preschool class. On Monday she was to bring in 5 pictures of her family as well as a list of questions answered.  On Friday, she got to have a guest reader come to the end of her class and read a book.  And finally, "Smiley", a stuffed smiley face, got to spend the week with our family.  Smiley came with a journal where the kids could put pictures of what smiley did with their family.  Here are the pictures Mckenna choose to put in the journal with the captions we wrote (Mckenna was very specific as to what words we used :)).

Ava likes smiley too!
Smiley went to soccer to watch Mckenna kick the ball.
The babysitters came and smiley was good.
(Tom and I went out to dinner with AJ and Toby at Great Lakes Brewery, it was fantastic)
Smiley went to Ballet with Mckenna.
Smiley slept with Mckenna.

Here is a look at the questions Mckenna answered about herself.  Mckenna was the first preschooler to write out all of the answers to the questions by herself and I was very proud :).  

1) Birthday:  February 6
2) Favorite color:  Pink
3) Favorite food:  Noodles (from Olive Garden)
4) Favorite book:  Star Wars (?? interesting)
5) Favorite activity:  Ballet
6) Favorite movie:  Horton (?? again, interesting)

I LOVE her "interesting" answers however I have no idea where she comes up with them.   But when Mckenna decides on something, that is it :). 

On Friday, Mckenna got to have a guest reader come to her classroom and read a book.  For weeks Mckenna has talked about when it is her turn she wanted Kiara to read to her class.  Tom and I talked about it and decided this was a great reason for Kiara to miss an hour of her school. The night before, Kiara and Mckenna picked out the book Larry Gets Lost in Seattle.  Jeff and Carin gave Kiara this book for her birthday after we moved and it is one of our favorites.  They were both SO EXCITED about this and of course Kiara was a rock star.  She did such a great job (probably better than most parents do :).

Ava was in the stroller (for about a minute) but wanted to get into the action with her sisters.

As the kids began packing up, Ava got herself up on the couch and started to flip through the book.  Ava trys so hard to be a big girl!


  1. Oh my goodness that makes me teary. This might be the sweetest post ever.

    Lv, CT

  2. Carin is right, I am still smiling! Thanks for sharing Deborah.


  3. So cool! Way to go MC! And how old does Kiara Look reading to the class!!??

    Uncle Steve
