Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

On Friday, Mckenna had her Halloween party at school.  I volunteered for the party and loved being with her for her party!!

My little Bee and her friends.
Mckenna's class getting ready for their performance! 

Kiara had her Halloween party today and I got to help with her party as well! 
The school has a parade to start and then back inside for classroom parties. 
Halloween Bingo, treats, Halloween Charades, and a Halloween word search to end the party!  I loved being in Kiara's classroom with her (and she loved me being with her as well - got to love that :))!!

Halloween Night!  This was my first experience with face painting.  What I didn't count on was that as I was   painting Kiara's face, Mckenna would think it looked fun and would want her face painted as well. 

Here they are: the bee and the clown!  I tried to get a side view to capture MC's face painting but it is hard to see.

Trick or Treating in Strongsville begins at 6.  Here are the girls answering the door at 6, while I got the stroller ready for us to head out.

Here we go!!!  It was sunny out and not horribly cold when we began.  We went around the block and by the time we got back, the sun had gone down and it got cold quickly.  We stopped back at our house to warm up. 

To the right of Mckenna is our fabulous babysitter, Rebecca.  She came by at 7 with a couple of her friends to pick up Kiara and Mckenna for a little more trick or treating.  I asked her if she could do this because I knew it was going to be really cold and hard for Ava to be out as long as Kiara and Mckenna wanted to be.    The girls had a blast.  When Tom got home he asked what the girls favorite part of the night was and Mckenna said "trick or treating with the babysitters!". 

Ava and I hanging out in the warm house!

It didn't take Ava long to figure out people were coming to the door.  Ava waiting for the next group.

A look at the walkway up to the front door.

Happy Halloween!!!!

BTW - Ava is walking!!!


  1. Thanks for the post Deborah, what a great Halloween.

    A new walker too, that is exciting.


  2. These are wonderful pics! Seeing the candy on the floor of the living room in piles sure reminds me of you growing up, Debs. I can't believe what a difference the face painting made- great costumes!!!! Just love them! And Ava - hope we can see a video of that soon!!
    Sure love you and miss you!
    XXOO Gram

  3. Looks like it was a fun Halloween! Miss you guys!
