Wednesday, March 30, 2016

We are back!!

Blog - I have missed you!!  It has been a few years since I last posted and a ton has happened.  I will not be able to remember all that has happened and will not be able to find pictures of important events either but I will try to include as much as I can. About a month ago, Mckenna started looking back at the 3 blog books that I created from 2011-2014 and asked if we could start posting again.  It has been a tough couple of years, filled with a lot of changes!!  It is not always easy to write about the tough times and I think that is why I did not post.  Although the past 2 years have been tough, we have had some amazing times and memories as well :)!

I am going to try and touch on what I do have pictures of from the past 2 years.  It will take a little bit, but I believe it will be worth it!  Once I am caught up, I will hopefully be back on the blog wagon and post as much as possible.  Stay tuned from the Headlee couch.............

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