Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dr. Ava's 3 year old check up

The past month or so, Ava has referred to herself as Doctor Ava and has demanded that we call her that as well.  A few of our friends call her that also and are sweet enough to say they have a hurt knee or something so Dr. Ava can help them! :).  Ava had a her 3 year old check up a few days ago and it was so wonderful to see Dr. Cutter.  Dr. Cutter has been there at the beginning with Ava and has taken to Ava just as much as everyone else has!

Dr. Cutter was so pleased with how Ava is doing and only had good things to say!  Great job Dr. Ava!!


1 comment:

  1. I love this so much!!
    I wish you were my doctor Ava!
    Lv, Aunt Carin
