Thursday, June 14, 2012

On to the next......

Mckenna is playing T-Ball!!  It is so much fun to watch.  I talk all the time about how big she is and how much she is growing up and then I see her on a huge baseball field, with a huge batting helmet on (that she has to hold up because it falls down and covers her eyes) and I realize she is still so little!  Before her first game we asked her what she needs to do after she hits the ball off the tee.  She said "pick the ball up and hit it again!"  Hahaha - not to worry she did great in her first game and had a lot of fun!!!! She did ask Tom if it was almost over during the last time up at bat. 

Mckenna's first (and only) T-Ball pratice. 

Mckenna practicing throwing the ball. 
When she throws it only goes about 3 feet :).

Mckenna's 1st game and 1st time up to bat.
She swings.......

And she hits it!!!!  Yeah MC!

Kiara has moved up to Coach Pitch Softball.  She loves it!  We have asked her if she had to choose, softball or soccer, what would it be?  And she has reponded "Don't make me choose!!!"  The ages on the team are 7-9 year olds, so she is the youngest on the team but she can hold her own.  She hits the ball at every at bat (thanks to all her unlces, grandfathers, and dad for telling her over and over again to keep her eye on the ball) and is beginning to really understand the game. 

Kiara scoring a run!

We will miss part of the baseball season for both kids while we are in Seattle and that stinks.  They both love it so much.  We don't want them to not participate in a sport that they enjoy however it is difficult to make a commitment to a team and to miss a chunk of the season.  For this year, we are okay with our decision to have the girls play, it is something that we will have to revisit next season.  Mckenna has one more game on Saturday and Kiara one on Monday.  Go Green!! 

Soccer Champs

Kiara has loved, loved, loved soccer this year.  In Strongsville you are on the same teams for a year (fall & spring) and then they switch up the teams for the following year.  This spring, she was with the same girls as the fall and had wonderful coaches.  The girls lost the first game of the season and didn't lose a game after.  Starting with 7 year olds, there is a tournament held at the end of the season in the spring.  The tournament began when we were in Florida and Kiara's team won both games when we were gone.  On Sunday morning the team was playing to get into the championship game and they won.  Kiara played awesome and scored 3 goals!  Later that afternoon they played in the championship game and the girls won, 2-1!  They were all really excited and it was fun to be a part of it!

Kiara's Team after the award ceremony.

Kiara waiting to get her award. 

It was interesting for Tom and I to watch how competative parents became about this 7 year old soccer tournament.  I am not saying it wasn't fun to be a part of this winning team and a great experience for Kiara but some of these parents (and kids) were a little over the top.  We realized that in Tom's job - winning and losing is everything.  Winning and losing is a large contributor in where our family lives.  We know the stresses that come from this pressure and have quite a different perspective on Kiara's 7 year old soccer record :)!  We know that she LOVES soccer and has fun playing and being a part of a team.  For us right now that is enough.  Attitude in both winning and losing says a lot about a person (and parents as well :)) and we are sure proud of Kiara in both situations in the sports she plays. I wonder what we will be saying in five years about this topic but I hope we still have the same perspective. Ha - we will see!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kindergarten here we come

We have felt very lucky with Mckenna's preschool for the past 2 years.  Her teacher, Ms. Diane, was wonderful in every way.  She enjoyed her school and met some great friends.  On graduation day, her class put on a performance for families to enjoy.  The performance was supposed to be a surprise and Ms. Diane must have drilled that into the heads of these kids because here is what Mckenna said about 2 weeks before the performance.  "Mom, I have a big secret.  I will tell you BUT whatever you do, DO NOT tell Ms. Diane.  OK?  Promise?  I can tell you but you cannot tell Ms.  Diane!"  "We are going to sing the shape song at our performance!"  Every day for a week she went through the whole *do not tell Ms. Diane* deal, and proceeded to tell me everything about that performance!  I hope the needing to tell her Mom and Dad secrets continues :). 

The Theme was Sports Day.  Here is the stage all set up.
The kids marched in singing - Take me Out to the Ball Game.
Playing the fly swatter (guitar)!

Ms. Diane and Mckenna
After the performance, we went to Mckenna's classroom for an Ice Cream Party.
Ava having some ice cream and showing her belly!

Mckenna's Friends! 

We had an end of the year party at our house with Mckenna's two closest friends.  Lauren and Chloe have been in Mckenna's class for 2 years.  We spent a lot of time together at parks, the mall, McDonald's, and our house. The bonus was I loved their moms as well.  I know we will keep in touch with these girls but I do hope Mckenna finds some girl friends who are just as sweet in Kindergarten (and I hope for my sake their moms are great too :)!

Mckenna will be in half day Kindergarten next year and we will find out in August if it is morning or afternoon.  She knows all of her letters and numbers and is starting to put letters together to form words.  It is hard to believe that my little cuddler will be in school 5 days a week!  Way to go Mckenna!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


It is amazing how much we talk about the weather.  How is the weather in Seattle?  What is the weather like in Ohio right now?  Is there a chance that soccer practice/baseball practice is going to be cancelled tonight?  We have learned (in our old age) that weather is a big deal.  It can change plans, it might mean getting up earlier to shovel or leave for work, it can change what the kids are wearing for the day, and it might effect the moods of one or all of us.  Well, I can say that the weather in Ohio this spring has been THE BEST!!!  It has been enjoyable to watch our kids play soccer and now baseball, we have been going for tons of walks, all the kids have been able to use the trampoline multiple times, and we have had lots of park play dates.  Here are some pictures we took on one of our walks at night.  Quite a ways down the road from us is a huge grassy area (it is used a lot for sledding in the winter).  The girls were so excited to walk down and explore.