Monday, July 25, 2011

Ava's 1st Birthday

We drove from Boise to Seattle and went straight to the Headlee's for a big family dinner.  Of  course, we had a great time! 

On Saturday, June 25th, Ava turned 1.  Ava was very lucky to spend a lot of her 1st birthday with Uncle Rob and Aunt Allison.  Kiara, Mckenna, Tom, and I attended the first family event for the Ben Towne Foundation.  We went to Lincoln Center in Bellevue to watch Cars 2.  The Ben Towne Foundation had two movie theaters for a private viewing of the sequal to Ben's very favorite movie, Cars.  It was packed with kids, parents, grandparents, friends, cousins, aunts, and uncles.  We felt so lucky to have been able to be at this event.

On Sunday the Townes and the Headlees gathered together to celebrate Ava's, Cooper's, and Gabriel's, birthdays.   
It's a pool party!

Ava has no idea what is going on but it doesn't matter - she is with her daddy, so she is very happy!
Emily & Kiara - ready to swim!!
Ava LOVED her pool party!
The pool party was at a great spot.  Grandma & Grandpa took Ava after swimming to this nice grassy area and it didn't take Kiara & Mckenna long to go hang out with them as well!
After the pool party we went to Brian & Holly's for cake & ice cream cake.
Ava did not know what to do with her cake. 
Cooper caught on right away :)!
Ava just played with her cake and made a huge mess (as you can see).  Since she wasn't eating cake, I gave her a bite of ice cream cake........
She is thinking about it and........
Yum..... I love it and I want more!!!!
The kids had an extra seat at the table and choose Uncle Rob to come and join them.  This is the ultimate compliment to an GREAT uncle!!
Happy 1st Birthday Ava Marie.  We love you!!

1 comment:

  1. It is so fun to see all of the smiles on everyone's and adults alike.
    Miss you guys,
