Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Every night for the past couple of weeks Tom and I have been reading Charlie and The Chocolate Factory to the kids before bed.  We just finished it and we are all so excited to watch the movie together.   About half way through the book, Tom and I began to argue about who was going to read to the kids because we were both enjoying it so much :). 

Last chapter night - they were so excited!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pumpkin Patch/Apple Orchard

A mom of a child in Mckenna's class organized an outing for any Kindergartners that were interested to go to Mapleside Farm after class yesterday.  Mckenna, Ava, and I went out to lunch with a few girls and moms from her class and then headed to Mapleside Farm.  I thought/assumed we were going to a pumpkin patch but we were there to take a tour of the apple orchard.  The kids got to see the orchard, got to see how they pick apples (however it is a little late for apple picking so they just explained the process) and got to see how they cleaned and sorted all the different apples.  They had a blast!

Here is the group that made the trip.  Mckenna is in the top row with the cute hat on!
Ava's first whole apple.  She spent an hour on this thing, it will definitely not be her last!


Ava look up the the camera.  Never mind - just keep playing!
After the tour the kids got to jump on this giant bubble - this was the highlight of course!
My little cutie!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Browns! Browns! Browns!

Way to go Brownies, way to go!!!  We got to the game at half time after Kiara's soccer game.  It was so fun to be in the suite with some other wives and families to celebrate a great Browns win!

These two are so much fun to watch the game with!  They hung out with the ladies, giving high fives and cheering their little hearts out!
Great Browns win that followed 2 great soccer games by the girls.  Mckenna had a good game, was a little spacey :) but scored a goal and of course had a lot of fun!  Kiara played a great game.  In the travel league Kiara is in, they are the only U8 team competing with U9 girls.  Today they played the best team in the league and lost 5-3 but it was a really close game and they were in it the whole time.  The best part - Kiara had 1 of the 3 goals!  Way to go Mckenna, Kiara, and Browns!!!!!  Tom was in New York, scouting the Colts and just got home.  All is good :)!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Soccer Mom

I think I am officially a soccer mom minus the mini-van (thank goodness)!  We are at soccer practice 4 nights a week and have 2 games a weekend.  Since the majority of practices are Kiara's, here is what Mckenna and Ava look like a lot of the time.

Fun in the back of the car!
We watch a lot of movies, consume a lot of suckers, play a lot of soccer (which means I play with Kiara or Mckenna while holding Ava), do homework, listen to music, and anything else that sounds fun at the time.  I can get tired of the schedule but the girls absolutely LOVE soccer.  As for going to all the practices, I apologized to Mckenna for having to go to another soccer practice and she answered "Don't worry Momma, I like going to practice! I get to kick the ball around - it is fun!"  SWEET!! 
Mckenna had a soccer game on Saturday and she played amazing!  To be honest she has never really had a great soccer game.  She gets a little overwhelmed and doesn't like everyone chasing 1 ball (her words :)).  She has an amazing coach this season and not only enjoys playing with her team, she loves playing with Kiara and her friends when she has the chance.  Well, the hard work payed off!  Mckenna had 3 goals, 2 assists, put a move on a girl during a fast break, and performed 2 foot skills to get the ball out of the pack.  Great job Mckenna!
Mckenna taking a water break and talking to Kiara about the 2 goals she just scored.
Kiara said "You are playing GREAT Mckenna!"
Kiara played on Sunday and had a lot to live up to after her sisters amazing game.  Kiara had an awesome game as well.  She scored her first goal this season with a left footed kick in the 1st minute of the game.  She played mid-field the whole game and one of Kiara's best attributes is seeing the whole field and making great passes to her teammates.  She made some moves on defenders and had a handful of really great passes.  Her U-8 travel soccer team is playing girls ages 9 & 10 from all over Cleveland.  They have competed with these bigger, more experienced teams and have played really well.  Way to go Kiara!
Told you, I am officially a soccer mom :)!
One more great pic of Ava - love this little girl!