Monday, April 11, 2016

Mckenna's Dance performance!

What a fun and crazy experience!  Gram flew in and we were all very excited to watch Mckenna's Dance performance.  What a production!! Here are some great pictures of the event!

Pretty crazy to put on make-up on my 7 year old!

Gorgeous Ballerina!

Sooooo special that Gram could come to see her performance!


Garage Sale time!

House was almost on the market and it was time to have a garage sale to get ride of some things before the move back to Seattle!  I love garage sales.  It is true :)!  The girls also had a great time.  Tom - not so much!! HA

Last day of school (June 2014)

Last day of 1st grade and 3rd grade!

The First of the Sad Goodbyes. (June 2014)

 Mckenna's girl scout troop made the most thoughtful going away gift ever for a 7 year old girl.  They sewed together a quilt for Mckenna and included pictures from the past 2 years of girl scouts.  Each of the other girls in the troop received a pillow with matching fabric and a picture of Mckenna on the pillow as well.  It was a surprise and I of course lost it when then presented it to her.  It is one of Mckenna's most special treasures and she still keeps it on her bed.  When we moved and she was sad (which was quite often in the beginning) she would sleep with the quilt.  Very special and sweet gift.

At this final girl scout event (when Marta and Shelley gave the girls the pillows and Mckenna the quilt) the girls also made picture frames of their favorite pictures of the past year with the troop.  This picture frame still hangs on Mckenna's wall.  Such a great way to keep memories and people close!

Photo Shoot (May 2014)

A beautiful day in Strongsville, Ohio calls for a walk and a photo shoot!!

Night out with the soccer parents! (May 2014)

Always a fun time!!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

May 2014 - good pics!

Here are some keepers from May of 2014!  Love all the sunshine, smiles, and fun!

Sports - May 2014

Soccer, lots of soccer! AND the beginning of softball season!

I mean.....  The cutest!!!



Ava's favorite spot to watch soccer games!  

It wasn't planned but they both got #3!

Graham Crackers and Milk

For you Gramps!!

My Scholars

2014 was a great year in school for Kiara and Mckenna.  Kiara was in 3rd grade and had Mrs. Peters. Mckenna was in 1st grade and had Mrs. Havel.  Both of these teachers were fantastic!! They were also very lucky and had great art teachers.  Here are a few pictures from school!

Kiara's Artwork is top right.

Every week, 1 student (in the entire school) get chosen to be Artist of the Week at Whitey Elementary.  Mckenna was chosen and it was very exciting!!

Every student was required to give 5 presentations during the year.  They needed to make an outline, write a speech, make note cards, compete a poster, and bring items to share.  The speech needed to be 5 minutes long.  Kiara did such a great job on every one of her presentations!!